New winter songs
02.02.2015New "winter" songs were added to our playlist.
Last autumn it was really full of events and work concerning Middleearth music. False Fellowship worked hard on their new CD Hobbit (introduced later on Tolkiencon 2015) and performance of Voices of Middle-earth took place on November.
Even that many of the protagonists were a quite of busy we managed to organize a "small" recording session during last December at Prague HM studio. And then a couple of new tracks were released:
- Moria - one of the oldest songs by Poetic Fellowship and Katerina Schwarzerova
- Song of Galadriel - considered traditional song of Poetic Fellowship performed by Katerina Schwarzerova and Katka Garcia
- Trpaslík (The Dwarf) - well known funny elvish song by Jitka Zidkova
- Zelené kopečky Kraje (Green Hills of Shire) - new instrumental song by the newest member of The Voices of Middle-earth Vojta Domin
Well it is not many but the songs are really beautiful.
Listen and enjoy!
New songs are here!
13.05.2014Approximately one month after the first tones were presented in the studio this spring, there are nine brand-new recordings of Middle-earth songs.
Yes, now Eliska and all other organizers and co-creators of the project can smile :), because we have another addition to the site. And not just a little, nine new songs with a total length of more than 30 minutes.
- Ai! Laurië lantar
- Nienor
- Tirion
- Nan Elmoth
- Tar Míriel
- Útěk do Rómenny (Escape to Romenna)
- Eolovo putování (Eol's Journey
- Pláněmi (Across the Plains)
- Zamilovaný hobit (Hobbit in Love)

The best way to here them is to visit the home page, where you can find them among the new songs. Enjoy!
Take a peek into the studio
15.04.2014Let's visit Prague studio where a recording of new Middle-earth songs took place for last two weekends.
Although the weather on the first two weekends in April rather tempted to walk out, we locked ourselves in the studio and started recording new songs from the Middle-earth.
On the first weekend we worked on songs by Fallon and Lemming, on the second weekend songs by Masa, Katka Schwarzerova, Katka Garcia and Aho took place. Very pleasing fact is that in the studio as well as new faces appeared among the performers, like Lucka Bublikova (violin) and Vojta Domin (guitar, mandola, ...). Also this time we managed to get together in small "afterplaying" with Daniel Binderova.
See photos in this new photogallery.
We also want to give a special thanks to Elsa and Vlastik Cervenka for preparation and organisation of this event.