Falešné společenstvo (False Fellowship)
False Fellowship is a loose group of people who compose and play songs inspired by the work of J. R. R. Tolkien. It was founded primarily because several Tolkien and music fans wanted to preserve the legacy of disbanded Poetic Fellowship. But, after some time, members of False Fellowship started to write their own songs.
The first goal of the FS was the compilation and publication of the songbook Songs of Middle-earth (“Písně ze Středozemě”) – proceeded between autumn 2001 and spring 2004. In this songbook the songs of the Poetic Fellowship are preserved. The songbook contains: 70 songs of the Poetic Fellowship and 14 songs of guests (the first swallows of the composing activity of members of the FS). The songbook was published by “Straky na vrbě” publishing house.
Members of FS do not consider False Fellowship a regular musical band. They do performances, but mostly on Tolkiencons and the rehearsals are quite irregular. They do not aim for a great artistic achievements; their attitude is more like “We believe we can offset technical deficiencies by our enthusiasm.”
Fellowship was founded during the weekend Aug 11-12th 2001 in a small city named Šlapanice in the house of Jitka Žídková – Crhová. Founding members were Daniela Binderová, Jitka Žídková, Petr Žídek, Jakub Kočí, Jana Galetková, David Kočí and Jana Syrovátková. Since that time the number of members grew and people were coming in and out, but who is member and who is not was never exactly clear.
FS plays a regular performances at Tolkiencon since 2003, when the event was first held. From the beginning, it prepared simple song bands for this event inspired by a significant event, region, nation or period in Tolkien's world. Gradually, elements of drama and choreography were added, and the genre of the work moved towards the musical. The ambitions for the quality of the performances have also increased, so in recent years the FS's work has become much more organized and diligent - especially in the fall, the FS rehearses intensively so that it can surprise the fans (and itself) at Tolkiencon in January with a new or older, but significantly improved, valuable piece.
FS has been running for 22 years, and 42 members have passed through it so far. About 200 songs were composed, then about 330 songs were written down in sheet music (written by False Fellowship, the Poetic Fellowship, Alex Lewis and guests.) There were 39 public performances (calculated in the summer of 2023), of which 20 performances were at 19 Tolkiencon events. A total of 12 themes were played, of which 8 "great" plays were written and staged: Aredhel, Númenor, Fëanor, Rohirrim, The Hobbit, Beren and Lúthien, Children of Húrin and The Fall of Doriath. The theme of Eärendil's voyage is in the process of being written, and the final theme of the history of the 1st Age: The War of Wrath is planned for future years. Studio-wise, FS has released 3 music albums so far (Fëanor and his sons, The Hobbit, Beren and Lúthien) and a fourth album is on the way (Children of Húrin).
You can find an overview of all FS performances, links to video recordings of performances and general rehearsals, and an overview of albums in the Czech version of this page after clicking on the annotation with the green "Více" (means „More“) button. You can also find songs from all three albums released so far for free download here on the Songs of Middle-earth website.
Songs of the band
Glory of Númenor
Píseň lidí
II. věk
Favourite Star
II. věk
Accomplishments of Gandalf the Salesman
III. věk
, J.D.K.
Věky Stromů
, E.N.
, E.N.
Web of the band
Authors and members
Kompletní abecední seznam členů prošlých FS (do léta 2023)
aktivní členové (sezóna 2023):
Aredhel – Františka Andršová
Bětka – Alžběta Kadlecová
Daniela Binderová
Elsa - Eliška Nejedlá
Fallon - Blanka Salmonová
Filoména Dominová
Hanka - Hana Soukupová
Indil - Zuzana Pažoutová
Jana Pažoutová
Jiří Grunt - čestný nečlen
Jixipen - Jana Syrovátková
Lemming - Michal Kára
Markéta Kárová
Markétka - Markéta Pažoutová
Nerion - Ondřej Janovský
Petr Zach
Pomněnka - Anna Plchová
Tani - Tereza Billichová
Tigris - Zuzana Kárová
Timbo - Josef Plch
Vilém Maršík
neaktivní/ bývalí členové:
Agama - Martina Zrostlíková
Bóža - Petr Bohdan
Drak - Jakub Kočí
Goldie - Tereza Lesáková
Honza Vorlíček
Jaga - Jana Galetková
Jano Janovčík
Jindra - Jindřich Soukup
Jitka Žídková
Laeg - Filip Burian
Lia - Slávka Stehlíková
Lucka - Lucie Kárová
Michal Odarčenko
Orsejka - Kristina Nohavicová
Pavel Vondřička
Petr Žídek
Polly - Zuzana Ottová (dočasně neaktivní)
Půlka - Karolína Vyskočilová
Ronis - Milan Plocr
Viola Handlová